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FORTVNA PAPERS Volume II (ca. 80 MB): Chrystina Häuber: Augustus and the Campus Martius in Rome: the Emperor's Rôle as Pharaoh of Egypt and Julius Caesar's Calendar Reform; the Montecitorio Obelisk, the Meridian Line, the Ara Pacis, and the Mausoleum Augusti in Honour of Eugenio La Rocca on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday With Contributions by Nicola Barbagli, Frederick E. Brenk, Amanda Claridge, Filippo Coarelli, Luca Sasso D'Elia, Vincent Jolivet, Franz Xaver Schütz, and Raimund Wünsche and Comments by Rafed El-Sayed, Angelo Geißen, John Pollini, Rose Mary Sheldon, R.R.R. Smith, Walter Trillmich, Miguel John Versluys, and T.P. Wiseman. FORTVNA PAPERS, edited by Franz Xaver Schütz and Chrystina Häuber, Volume II, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-943872-13-2, (München: Hochschule München)

Texte/Texts in HTML Format aus/from FORTVNA PAPERS 2

PREFACE, pages 17-22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, pages 23-26 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, pages 27-32 I. INTRODUCTION, pages 33-48 II. WELL KNOWN FACTS CONCERNING THE SUBJECTS DISCUSSED HERE AND SOME NEW OBSERVATIONS, pages 49-54 II. WELL KNOWN FACTS CONCERNING THE SUBJECTS DISCUSSED HERE AND SOME NEW OBSERVATIONS, pages 55-61 Bibliography Von Meridianen, Koordinatensystemen, Nordpfeilen und deren Relevanz für räumlich-temporale Modellierungen mit dem Archäologischen Informationssystem AIS ROMA

Maps by Chrystina HÄUBER and Franz Xaver SCHÜTZ in high resolution
UPDATE: Georeferenzierte Karten zur Geschichte und Topographie der Stadt Rom / georeferenced maps of ancient Rome (on topography and history)

UPDATE: Georeferenzierte Karten zur Geschichte und Topographie der Stadt Rom / georeferenced maps of ancient Rome (on topography and history)


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