FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 3, Hadrian
Fig. 3
portrait of Hadrian of the Delta Omikron (Δο)-type. Villa Hadriana
near Tivoli, Museo (inv. no. 2260). Left: From: H.R. Goette (2021,
113, Abb. 46a (III Nr. 3); Photo: G. Fittschen-Badura); in the middle
and right: Photos: D-DAI-ROM 72.635; 79.17774 (G. Fittschen-Badura).
Below, left: bust of Hadrian of the Delta Omikron (Δο)-type. Columbia, Missouri,
University Museum (inv. no. 89.1). From: H.R. Goette (2021, 108, Abb.
44a (III Nr. 1)).
Below, in the middle: portrait of Hadrian of the Delta Omikron (Δο)-type. Madrid, Museo
Nacional del Prado (inv. no. 176-E.), found in Italy. Photo:
D-DAI-MAD-WIT-R-20-91-05 (Witte).
right:bust of Hadrian of the Delta Omikron (Δο)-type. London, private
collection. From: H.R. Goette (2021, 112, Abb. 45 (III Nr. 4)). See
above, at The major results of this book on Domitian;
below, atThe first Contribution by Angelo Geißen: Bemerkungen zur frühen
Münzprägung Hadrians in Alexandria; and at The fifth Contribution by Peter Herz: Der Ritt Hadrians nach Mogontiacum.
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