FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 62.6, CAMPUS MARTIUS Marsfeld Rom Piazza Capranica , Photo by Francesca Maiolino

CAMPUS MARTIUS Marsfeld Rom Piazza Capranica , Photo by Francesca Maiolino

Fig. 62.6
Colour photograph, showing the Piazza Capranica, seen from the Torre Capranica, looking south-east. The Torre Capranica is integrated into the western part of the Palazzo Capranica, which stands on the north-side of Piazza Capranica (cf. here Fig. 62.8). Roma, collezione Dott. Richard Sasson, ``A World Aparts´´. Photo: Signora Francesca Maiolino. Courtesy Dott. Richard Sasson and per gentile concessione del fotografo Francesca Maiolino. Cf. infra, in volume 3-2, at A Study on the consequences of Domitian's assassination ... Or: The wider topographical context of the Arch of Hadrian alongside the Via Flaminia which led to the (later) Hadrianeum and to Hadrian's Temples of Diva Matidia (and of Diva Sabina?); INTRODUCTION; at Section III. The Precinct and Temple of Diva Matidia: my new research, motivated by Francesca Dell'Era's (2020) critique of my first reconstruction of the Temple of Diva Sabina ?

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