FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 62.7, cipollino column Vicolo della Spada d'Orlando

FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 62.7, cipollino column Vicolo della Spada d'Orlando

Fig. 62.7.
The fragmentary monolithic shaft of the cipollino column, which still stands in situ on the east side of the Vicolo della Spada d'Orlando in the Campus Martius, being partly inserted into the west wall of the Ospizio/ Casa degli Orfani/ Istituto di S. Maria in Aquiro; cf. here Figs. 64; 66. It is debated, to which ancient building it had belonged, and which orientation this porticus originally had. In my opinion, this cipollino column is the only still extant one of the columns of the here-so-called porticus with cipollino columns, which Giambattista (G.B.) Nolli had still in part documented on his Large Rome map (1748; cf. here Figs. 62; 62.1; 62.1.A; 62.2), and Giambattista (G.B.) Piranesi on one of his etchings (cf. here Fig. 62.1.B). Colour photographs: Courtesy L. Gigli (13-VII-2022).

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