FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 67, 67.1 , Palazzo Capranica

CAMPUS MARTIUS Marsfeld Rom Palazzo Capranica

Fig. 67 (left)
Arch. G. Simonetta (drawing: arch. M. Setti), site-plan of the ancient and medieval architectural finds in the basements of Palazzo Capranica, with his reconstruction of the ground-plan of the Temple of Diva Matidia. Courtesy arch. G. Simonetta. Cf. Giuseppe Simonetta and Laura Gigli (2018 [2021] 164-165, Fig. 1). The architect Giuseppe Simonetta and the art-historian Laura Gigli have followed my hypothesis, published in my earlier study (2017), according to which the Palazzo Capranica was built `on top of´ Hadrian's Temple of Diva Matidia (for my relevant updated map; cf. here Fig. 66). See Simonetta and Gigli (2018 [2021] 128-129, n. 7). Based on his analysis of all the architectural remains in the basements of Palazzo Capranica, arch. Simonetta has created a reconstructed ground-plan of the Temple of Diva Matidia. Simonetta's plan illustrated here shows all the architectural finds in the basements of Palazzo Capranica. His reconstructed ground-plan of the Temple of Diva Matidia is highlighted in green; the architectural remains highlighted in "viola" are in part datable to the Middle Ages. Cf. G. Simonetta and L. Gigli (2018, 164 [a detailed caption of this plan, which refers to the fact that in this article their original coloured plan Fig. 1, which is illustrated here, is published in black and white], p. 165, Fig. 1). In Simonetta's opinion (cf. G. SIMONETTA and L. GIGLI 2018 [2021] 164), the Temple of Diva Matidia may have been erected by re-using a building of the Republican period. For discussions; cf. supra, at Fig. 65.

Fig. 67.1. Slightly changed version of the plan here Fig. 67. Those changes were added at my request by adding to this plan a scale and some street names. Arch. G. Simonetta (drawing: arch. M. Setti), site-plan of the ancient and medieval architectural finds in the basements of Palazzo Capranica, with his reconstruction of the ground-plan of the Temple of Diva Matidia. Courtesy arch. G. Simonetta. For discussions; cf. supra, at Fig. 65.

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