FORTVNA PAPERS 3, Fig. 69.1, angeblicher Tempio di Siepe

CAMPUS MARTIUS Marsfeld Rom angeblicher Tempio di Siepe

Fig. 69.1
ʺTempio di Siepeʺ, an ancient building that was (allegedly) documented within Palazzo Capranica at Piazza Capranica. Drawing, plan and section. Windsor 12138. After: LTUR V (1999) 315. Fig. 10. From: Häuber (2017, 80, Fig. 3.7.4). Cf. chapter II; Again Augustusʹ Meridian floor and G. Gattiʹs reconstruction of the ʺCampo Marzio centraleʺ: his location of the Saepta, and some new observations concerning the Iseum Campense; The ʺTempio di Siepeʺ; and Figs. 3.7; 3.7.1; 3.7.5a; 3.7.5b; 3.7.5c; 5.2 [= here Figs. 59; 60; 64; 65; 66; 62]". For discussions; cf. supra, at Fig. 65.

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