"Die Horti des Maecenas auf dem Esquilin in Rom - eine diachrone Topographie" - Horti Maecenatiani - Horti Maecenatis - Orti di Mecenate - Maecenatiani - Maecenatis - ROMA - Rome - URBS by Chrystina Häuber
Erstmalig veröffentlicht am 25.3.2012 unter: www.rom.geographie.uni-muenchen.de/index2.html

Welcome to the research project

"Die Horti des Maecenas auf dem Esquilin in Rom - eine diachrone Topographie"
"The Horti of Maecenas on the Esquiline in Rome - a diachronic topography"

Funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), "Geschäftszeichen" HA 1490/13-1; 13-2 is greatly appreciated

This research project began Dec. 16th 2009 and has ended on Dec. 15th 2011. Although the official project has ended, the work continues on a voluntary basis. The objective of this project was to draw a diachronic, as well as phase maps, of the Horti of Maecenas on the Esquiline Hill in Rome. This Web-Server provides 10 Maps (see Phase Maps), which have been drawn in this project and additional maps (see Overview Maps). All texts and maps are based on the current scholarly debate; cf. for that the Bibliography. If you have any questions concerning this web-presentation, please do not hesitate to write us.

Photo VIA DEGLI ORTI DI MECENATE and Chrystina Häuber

The results of this research project have in the meantime been published in the following book, for which Chrystina Häuber has received the LI. Premio Daria Borghese 2015:

HÄUBER, Chrystina 2014, The Eastern Part of the Mons Oppius in Rome: the Sanctuary of Isis et Serapis in Regio III, the Temples of Minerva Medica, Fortuna Virgo and Dea Syria, and the Horti of Maecenas. With Contributions by Edoardo Gautier di Confiengo and Daniela Velestino, 22. Suppl. BullCom, Roma 2014.

For the Premio Daria Borghese see online: http://www.gruppodeiromanisti.it/?page_id=85


"Motivazioni del premio a Chrystina Häuber, anno 2015
Laudatio di Eugenio la Rocca per Chrystina Häuber
Ringraziamento di Chrystina Häuber
Immagini di supporto al ringraziamento di Chrystina Häuber"

georeferenzierte Karten zur Topographie der Stadt Rom/ georeferenced maps of the topography of ancient Rome

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