Trajanssäule (Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA)

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Photo by Chrystina Häuber, Franz Xaver Schütz

Karte aktueller Standort Trajanssäule in Rom, Trajanssäule - Colonna Traiana - BASILICA ULPIA - ROMA, Ausschnitt HÄUBER Chrystina 2014 Map5
Auf dem Kartenausschnitt sind die Beschriftung "Colonna Traiana" und "BASILICA ULPIA" sichtbar.

Nach PLATNER, ASHBY (1929, S. 242-244, unter dem Stichwort "FORUM TRAIANI") besteht die Trajanssäule aus parischem Marmor. Zitat: "It is built of Parian marble. The shaft and basis, composed of 18 blocks, 3.70 metres in diameter, with the additional block that forms the capital, and the plinth which is cut in the upper block of the pedestal, measure IOO Roman feet (29.77 metres) in height. The height of shaft and pedestal together is 38 metres".

Der Sockel ist an drei Seiten mit Reliefs verziert, die Trophäen darstellen. Auf der süd-östlichen Seite befindet sich eine Tür - wie auf den Photos sichtbar, und über dieser Tür eine Inschrift, CIL VI 960.

MAFFEI (1995, S. 356) schreibt über diese Inschrift: "L'iscrizione dedicatoria, scolpita in una tabula sorretta da due vittorie alate, sopra la porta di accesso al basamento sul lato SE, è ancora oggi visibile: Senatus Populusque Romanus / Imp(eratori) Caesari, divi Nervae f(ilio) Nervae / Traiano Aug(usto) Germ(anico) Dacico pontif(ici) maximo trib(unicia) pot(estate) XVII, imp(eratori) VI, co(n)s(uli) VI, p(atri) p{atriae),/ ad declarandum quantae altitudinis / mons et locus tan[tis oper]ibus sit egestus. ... Dall'iscrizione ricaviamo, oltre alla dedica del senato e del popolo romano a Traiano, importanti indicazioni sulla sua datazione: 113 d.C."

HÄUBER (2021/2023) führt zur Trajanssäule aus:
Chapter Preamble; Section III. My own thoughts about Domitian, 3.) Domitian's building projects in Rome and the airport Berlin Brandenburg;
"Ad 3.) Domitian's achievements as emperor and the airport Berlin Brandenburg

In connection with his research on Trajan's Column, it was first Martin Beckmann ("Planning and Execution of the Frieze of Tajan's Column: the Case of Scene CXII", 2017), who has mentioned the airport Berlin Brandenburg in connection with this ambitious project - which, in its turn, belonged to the enormous building site of the Forum of Trajan. In the meantime it has been realized that this mega-building site, which should result in the Forum of Trajan, had been connected from its very beginning with the likewise huge building-site of the (future) Baths of Trajan, and that both buildings had been planned and begun by Domitian. - To this I will come back below. I, therefore, borrow here Beckmann's (2017) idea to compare Domitian's building projects in Rome with the Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg.

After analysing the obvious planning problems concerning the Frieze of Trajan's Column, Beckmann (2017) convincingly states that such mismanagements of great building-projects, as the one discussed by him, are by no means rare. And because at the time, when he was writing this article, this mega-project was much discussed, Beckmann mentioned as a contemporary example the airport Berlin Brandenburg.

Beckmann (2017, 83 with n. 25) quotes critical voices concerning the management of this huge building site airport Berlin Brandenburg, which I will quote verbatim in the following.

I am mentioning the example of the mismanagement of the airport Berlin Brandenburg here, because, when comparing this airport with the sheer number and size of Domitian's building projects at Rome, it becomes clear that Domitian's management of his building sites was obviously excellent.

Domitian reigned for 15 years, from AD 81-96. The decision to erect the airport Berlin Brandenburg was made in 1996, but the airport could only be opened on 31st October 2020, that is to say, 24 years after first planning it, and after its opening had to be postponed for seven times.

After having analysed the design and execution of the spiral Frieze of Trajan's Column in great detail, Martin Beckmann (2017, 83) concludes that this project had obviously been planned very badly:

"This suggests the lack of comprehensive, detailed planning for the frieze [of Trajan's Column] ... Though the evidence for such a scenario is strong ... it is still difficult for a modern observer to imagine that such a complex task as carving the frieze of Trajan’s Column could be approached without minute planning. But this should not come as a great surprise, since such a situation is hardly unknown in the field of architecture. Even the largest and most complicated projects can be undertaken with incomplete or insufficient planning, sometimes resulting in significant problems. Most recently, planners of the new Berlin Brandenburg airport have been accused of completing only 10% of their work before the start of construction. [with n. 25]".

In his note 25, Beckman writes: "An den ausführenden Bauunternehmen liege die Verzögerung nicht, betonen die beiden großen Interessenverbände der Bauwirtschaft. Stattdessen hätten fehlende Planung und mangelnde Sachkompetenz auf Seiten des Auftraggebers zu diesem Chaos geführt. `Wenn zu Baubeginn von geschätzten 6000 Einzelplänen nur rund 10 Prozent fertig waren, ließ das nur einen Schluss ziehen: Der Bauherr wusste nicht genau, was er haben wollte - außer vielleicht, dass es ein Flughafen sein sollte´, sagt Felix Pakleppa, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Zentralverbandes Deutsches Baugewerbe. ``Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Wed. 9 Jan. 2013, "Das Aushängeschild Berliner Flughafen wird zum Schandmal´´ [my emphasis]".

On the homepage of the `Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt´ we find the information that in 1996 was decided to erect this airport and that it was opened on 31st October 2020.

Cf. online at:

<>. Visited 4th April 2023.

" 2000 – 2004: Planfeststellungsverfahren mit Auslegung der Unterlagen und öffentlichen Anhörungen.

1999: Unterzeichnung der Verträge zur Umsiedlung der Gemeinde Diepensee und der Teilumsiedlung der Gemeinde Selchow.

1997 – 2003: Verhandlungen über die Privatisierung des Bauvorhabens und Vergabeverfahren. Die Privatisierung wird schlussendlich nicht umgesetzt und die Planungsunterlagen gehen an die Flughafengesellschaft über.

1996 – 1999: Planung des Flughafens und Einreichung des Planfeststellungsantrags

1996: Konsensbeschluss der Gesellschafter Berlin, Brandenburg und Bund: Die Gesellschafter verzichten auf den Neubau eines Flughafens für die Region. Stattdessen soll der bereits existierende Flughafen Schönefeld zum Airport Berlin Brandenburg International BBI ausgebaut werden. Die innerstädtischen Flughäfen Tegel und Tempelhof sollen geschlossen werden.

Einfach aufmachen: Am 31. Oktober 2020 ist das Terminal 1 des Flughafens Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt (BER) mit der Ankunft der ersten beiden Flugzeuge von easyJet und Lufthansa eröffnet worden ...".




HÄUBER, C. (2021/2023): The Cancelleria Reliefs and Domitian's Obelisk in Rome in context of the legitimation of Domitian's reign. With Studies on Domitian's building projects in Rome, his statue of Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus, the colossal portrait of Hadrian (now Constantine the Great), and Hadrian's portrait from Hierapydna in Honour of Rose Mary Sheldon. With Contributions by John Bodel, Emanuele M. Ciampini, Amanda Claridge, Angelo Geißen, Laura Gigli, Hans Rupprecht Goette, Peter Herz, Eugenio La Rocca, Eric M. Moormann, Jörg Rüpke, Franz Xaver Schütz, R.R.R. Smith, Giandomenico Spinola, Mario Torelli, Walter Trillmich, Claudia Valeri, and T.P. Wiseman. FORTVNA PAPERS Volume III-1, 2021/2023, edited by Franz Xaver Schütz and Chrystina Häuber. München: Hochschule München)

MAFFEI, S. (1995): FORUM TRAIANI: COLUMNA. In: LTUR II (D-G), S. 356-359.

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